Thursday, April 07, 2005


FYI, when you watch Jo Dee Messina's new video, you can't help but notice that re hab this girl a whole lotta good. If I came out of rehab looking how she looks with her new toned flat stomach, fatless arms, and expensive clothes, ..... i might have to develop a drug problem!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Spring Break Photos

Spring break photos from the trip will be up soon, the past few weeks have been busy!!!!
Still waiting on an answer from Gallo!

Spring Break Photos

So no, no photos yet, but the scapbook is almost done. Been very busy ( two tests this week, a test next week, 3 group meetings this week, 2 presentations next week, a project due next week, and 6 hours spent this week with BAD 314 groups who are on my nerves) its coming, I promise.